How it works.
Donate outdoor gear in good and repairable condition and in return we’ll give you up to $30 in “BMR Bucks” per item. Our BMR Bucks are store credit that we’ll keep on your account so you can use them towards BMR Services and Garage sale items.
In addition, you’ll be automatically entered into our BMR Raffle, where you can win free access to our Outdoor Maintenance and Repair Video, brought to you by Backpacker Magazine, Aim Adventure U, and Boulder Mountain Repair. A $125 value.
It’s Easy –
- Stop in with your gear and our technicians will evaluate the garments and determine the store credit value in BMR Bucks.
- Your BMR Bucks will be recorded on your store account and you can then use it for repairs, laundry, or purchases at our Garage Sale.
- We’ll repair and wash your donated garment and get it into the hands of someone who can use it.
We are happy to accept Outdoor Jackets, Ski Pants, Backpacks, Tents, and Sleeping Bags.
Kids outdoor jackets are our most sought-after item and will garner the most BMR Bucks. These jackets, once washed and repaired, will go straight to, and to the deserving children of Sarajevo.
Thanks but these Items are not accepted: Next-to-skin garments (bras, underwear, Baggies, T-shirts, swimwear, base-layers, trail and yoga wear), accessories (hats, scarves, beanies, gloves, socks), footwear, pack water bladders, headwear, accessories and gloves, air bags, harnesses, climbing gear, ski boots, Air pads, stoves and any other hard goods.