About Us

For over 25 years we have been in the business of outdoor gear repairs. This includes replacing old zippers and patching services to keep the technical gear our customers love fully functional for many adventures in years to come.
Our Roots
For over 25 years Boulder Mountain Repair has called Boulder, Colorado home. In the 90’s our founder, Ron Simonds, saw a need for the outdoor community to be able to repair their outdoor gear. Out in the field gear can take a beating, but users were being forced to retire their gear due to a broken zipper or tear in a garment. With the tools to repair these simple problems, Boulder Mountain Repair has increased the life of countless pieces of gear including tents, packs, ski pants, jackets and more.
Originally Boulder Mountain Repair was located in South Boulder at the Table Mesa shopping center. Over the years we had several buildings in the shopping center, here our founder, Ron Simonds is standing outside the original retail location in 1996.

Our shop has seen many changes over the years but the basics have stayed the same since our early days in South Boulder. Our line up of industrial repair equipment including a bar tacker, sergers, industrial walking-foot and needle-feed sewing machines, heat presses, and an industrial washer and dryers has been there for our 25 years of repair services. We have always had our doors open to local walk-in customers in need of repairs and continue to provide this access for our community. Over the years we have built relationships with customers all over the country through our mail-in repair service.
25 Years of Repairs
BMR has been a part of the outdoor community for over 25 years. Our shop is now located in Central Boulder. With more space we have been able to accept even more repairs and continue our services to keep your gear alive. Curious about what things look like behind the scenes here at BMR? Watch our shop tour and see the equipment behind the repairs.
Just because it’s used, doesn’t mean it’s used up.
We bring your gear back to working order.